A room escape game is created to give players a unique and exciting experience!
The setting, the story, the puzzles, the Game Master. All these elements form a creative and original environment in which to spend an hour of your life with friends or family.
But when this environment meets with the ingenuity of the players, the results are truly memorable!
In the 5 years of organizing indoor and outdoor room escape games (mobile games, forest escape, etc.) we were pleasantly surprised by many proposals. We gladly accepted them and were "accomplices" to the surprises prepared by the players. Today we present 4 of them.
Do you want to be my wife?
Apparently you go with your loved one to try a new activity, such as a room escape game. In fact, the ring hides among the clues, a big red heart is waiting at the exit, and someone is ready to film the moment.
Turiștii străini în mod special au apelat la această modalitate inedită de cerere în căsătorie. Rezultatul a fost de fiecare dată un mare DA. 🙂
Good godparents at room escape can be found
Now that things are clear and the wedding is approaching, finding godparents can be difficult or stressful. Not when you do it differently than the others!
At one point on #CrimeScene I had a couple of future brides who made sure they had an hour to ask their friends if they wanted to be their godparents. Among the various puzzles and time pressure came the positive response they were waiting for.
Fun at the bachelor party
Going further along the lines of the marriage, we had several bachelors and bachelors who "warmed up" before the party, with a room escape game at The Dungeon.
They came with a lot of good will and themed t-shirts.
A rezultat multă distracție, iar jucătorii s-au arătat încântați de timpul de calitate pe care l-au petrecut în temnițele noastre. 🙂
Game Master plot
I once had a grandfather who booked a game because his nephew was celebrating his birthday. The boy had never been to a room escape before. Grandpa thought that the way he offered his experience was also important, not just the experience itself.
So he "plotted" with the Game Master who hired himself at our friends' cafe at Q Caffe and offered to tour a 100-year-old winery in the basement.
The boy was delighted, and later found out that he is locked up with his grandfather and family, and the escape time is limited to one hour.
Well done, Grandpa! You gave your nephew a memorable birthday experience!
50- 50
We like to say that The Dungeon applies the 50-50 principle. The game and the environment we provide are 50 % from experience. The other 50 % depend on the creativity, humor and involvement of the players.
Noi suntem deschiși să fim â€complici†pentru orice idee de scenariu inedit care să se integreze sau să completeze unul din jocurile noastre. 🙂
We challenge you with a few other situations:
-Tell the husband that he will be a father
- Tell your husband / family / friends if it will be a boy or a girl.
- Meet a loved one you haven't seen in a long time, in a unique setting, without him / her initially knowing what it's about.
- challenge your team to a spontaneous teambuilding
- give your child a memorable birthday experience with his friends.
The list can go on…
The idea is simple: a room escape game is just the beginning for a memorable experience!
What happens next is just about your creativity and desire to do something different and fun with your loved ones.
Așadar, te așteptăm cu drag la The Dungeon! Poți aplica aceste sugestii și altele venind direct în locațiile noastre. De asemenea, dacă ai fost deja la noi și vrei doar să faci o surpriză inedită cuiva drag ție poți să achiziționezi un voucher cadou și să îl oferi. Apoi ne dai scenariul și noi ne ocupăm de implementare. 🙂